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Friday, February 11, 2011

Packing Party

‎28-50# suitcases of medical supplies, clothing, balls, VBS supplies, formula, baby bottles and more! Look closely at the baby bottles I'm holding. We took all of the pills out of their box/bottle and put them into the baby bottles. We save space and wight to allow for more supplies. We spent 4 hours sorting, packing and weighing. There was time to gnaw on pizza too. We are getting to know each other as a team, how to work together and what our team mates need & don't want! 

The greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all.


Unknown said...

Hey Connie...prayers your way as you go to Haiti! We went in 1978-79 and took clothes, shoes, medicine and toys for the kids....I can still remember that smell in the air and the voodoo rituals that went on. Sad. Most of the Haitians didn't fit in the shoes as their feet were so swollen from going barefoot. The kids were deathly afraid of the Frisbees and would run the other way when we threw them! The situation is so desperate...I know you will bring love and God's light to a so hurting Haiti~~

Connie Jo Freeman said...

nysnlovlylady... don't know why but I can't see your profile so I have no idea who's writing.